From 26 June 2024 you will find us at the new address Bělehradská 222/128, 120 00 Praha 2! Click here for more information.


The grant programme is intended for:

  • presentation of musical works by contemporary Czech composers represented by OSA,
  • the creation of new original musical works,
  • supporting emerging musicians and developing their work,
  • supporting charity, fundraising and similar events.

Who can apply for a grant

  • authors represented by OSA,
  • organisers of events featuring music by (not only) contemporary Czech composers is played,
  • publishers of music media, magazines or books with a musical theme,
  • the applicant may be a natural or legal person.

When to apply for a grant

Applications are reviewed during three-month project rounds. Your project must take place no earlier than the next project round and at the same time no later than 60 days after the submission of  the application. The date of receipt of the application by OSA is decisive.

Applicants are always informed of the outcome after the end of the relevant round:

  • Deadline for the 1st project round 28 February - notification during March;
  • Deadline for the 2nd project round 31 May - notification during June;
  • Deadline for the 3rd project round 31 August - notification during September;
  • Deadline for the 4th project round 30 November - notification during December.

There is no limit to the number of applications submitted by the same applicant within a calendar year.

You can apply for further projects whether your previous projects have been supported or not. However, please note that the decision on a project that is passed is final. There is no point in reapplying for it.

How to apply for a grant

You can easily submit your grant application online via the web application, which is however only available in Czech. You will create a user account in the application form, through which you will be able to:

  • apply for a grant,
  • attach all the necessary documents,
  • check the current status and results of the project negotiations,
  • conclude a grant agreement,
  • attach the documents required for the payment of the grant,
  • have access to all submitted applications and related material at any time,
  • other benefits of the web application.

How does it work?


Log in to the Partnership web application and create an account.


In the My Applications tab, select the appropriate programme according to the focus of your project. You can find a description of each programme in the blue circles above.


Fill in the web form carefully. 
Don't forget to include the project´s author dramaturgy (i.e. the authors of the music and lyrics of the works used) and obligatory attachments, if they are listed in the chosen programme.


In the application, you can save the form you are working on and return to it at any time. Once the form has been completed and submitted, you will not be able to edit it further.


At the end of the project round, we will e-mail you with the results. If you are successful, we will send you a draft grant agreement and other useful information.


Send us proof of the project and we will pay you the grant within a few days.

You can also submit your application by filling in the form and sending it in one of the following ways: by post to OSA, Čs. Armády 786/20, 160 56 Praha 6; by mail to 9wuieau; by e-mail to However, in this case, we will also set up an Account in the web application and send you access data upon request . 

Other important information

  • Projects are assessed individually and the financial support awarded is not based on a specific percentage of the planned budget.
  • Evaluators do not have to give reasons for their decision if they do not support a project.
  • If you need to know the no/grant decision before the end of the project round, we can only tell you whether the project has been supported or not, but not the amount of money awarded.
  • We usually pay the grant after the project has been completed. 
    Before that, it is important to conclude the grant agreement and to provide all the necessary documentation to carry out the project. These vary according to the type of project and the successful applicant will always receive specific information by email. In general, however, it is necessary to list OSA among the project partners during the promotion and implementation of the project.
  • If the implementation of a supported project is delayed by more than one month compared to the original deadline, it is important to inform us via the web application. Specifically, please do this in the My Applications tab of your project details and be sure to include the reason for the change in date.
  • If you decide to change the dramaturgy for any reason during the preparation of the supported project, it is important to let us know via the web application. Specifically, do this in the My Applications tab of your project details.
  • Supported projects are presented on social media and on the OSA website.
    - If you are organising an event with live or recorded music, or if you are releasing a recording of music that you do not own the copyright to, you will also need to enter into a licensing agreement with the OSA. When we receive your request, we will automatically be notified internally of such a project. If we award you a grant for such a project, it is important that you have a licence agreement in place so that the grant can be paid.

Supported Projects