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Dear colleagues,

this report on the Supervisory Board's activities covers the fiscal year 2022.


Introductory information

The OSA DR held a total of 11 meetings in the past year 2022. (The General Assembly was held on 30 May 2022 at the Hotel International Prague, Koulova 1501/15, Prague 6.)

Newly elected OSA DR with a mandate from 30 May 2022 until the OSA General Assembly 2025:

 For the professional group of composers:

  • Jan Hála
  • Martin Kratochvil
  • Ivan Kurz
  • Lukáš Matoušek
  • Michal Prokop
  • Ondřej Soukup
  • Boris Urbánek as 1st substitute
  • Karel Holas as 2nd substitute

For the professional group of songwriters:

  • Dan Bárta
  • Michael Prostějovský
  • Tomáš Roreček
  • Jan Krůta as 1st substitute

On behalf of the professional group of publishers:

  • Zdeněk Nedvěd
  • ProVox Music Publishing, s. r. o., Jiří Paulů elected as its representative
  • Schubert Music Publishing, s. r. o., Jiřina Petrová elected as its representative
  • Universal Music Publishing, s. r. o., Jolana Zemanová elected as its representative

The first meeting of the newly elected OSA Supervisory Board took place on 6 June 2022. At this meeting, the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the DR was held by secret ballot. Ivan Kurz was elected chairman, Michael Prostějovský (for the professional group of writers) and Jolana Zemanová (for the professional group of publishers) were elected vice-chairmen.

Furthermore, the members of the individual DR committees were elected for the next three-year term.

Economic Committee

On the basis of a secret ballot, the Supervisory Board appointed the members of the economic committee consisting of Dan Bárta, Tomáš Doležal, ProVox Music Publishing, s. r. o. - Jiří Paulů, František Táborský, Universal Music Publishing,
Jolana Zemanová.

Distribution Committee

On the basis of a secret ballot, the Supervisory Board appointed the members of the Settlement Committee consisting of Martin Kratochvíl, Michael Prostějovský, Miroslav Pudlák, Schubert Music Publishing, s. r. o. - Jiřina Petrová.

Committee for Creativity Affairs

The Supervisory Board has appointed the following members of the Commission on Creative Issues by secret ballot:

  • for composers of popular music: Jan Hála, Vladimír Popelka, Emil Viklický;
  • for classical music composers Lukáš Hurník, Michal Košut, Lukáš Matoušek.

Jan Kučera and Boris Urbánek were appointed as substitutes.

Partnership Committee

On the basis of a secret ballot, the Supervisory Board appointed the members of the Partnership Committee consisting of Chevaliere, s. r. o. - Helena Rytířová, Jiří Gemrot, Karel Holas, Ivan Kurz, Martin Němec, Tomáš Roreček, Milan Svoboda.

Autor in Editorial Board

On the basis of a secret ballot, the Supervisory Board appointed the members of the Editorial Board consisting of Jan Krůta, Zdeněk Nedvěd, Michal Prokop and Tomáš Roreček.

Committee for OSA Annual Awards

On the basis of a secret ballot, the Supervisory Board appointed the members of the OSA Prize Committee consisting of Lukáš Matoušek, Michal Prokop, Michael Prostějovský, Universal Music Publishing, s. r. o. - Jolana Zemanová.



The Board of Directors of the Society is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements. The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process. A proper audit performed by APOGEO Audit, Ltd, an independent firm,
did not identify any deficiencies in the OSA's 2022 financial statements and the information presented in the OSA Board of Directors' Annual Report is consistent in all respects with the financial statements.


Financial results for 2022

Despite the very difficult realities of our current times, the financial side of OSA has not been disrupted. Thanks for this belong especially to the OSA Board of Directors headed by Ing. Roman Strejček. The Supervisory Board and its individual committees (especially the Economic Committee and the Settlement Committee) have also proved their worth.

In terms of revenue for music writers, last year was the most successful year ever for OSA. The total revenue surpassed the CZK 1.4 billion mark. After deducting collections for other collective administrators (INTERGRAM, DILIA, OOA-S, OAZA), the CZK 1.2 billion  was exceeded. The strongest source of revenue was (similarly to the previous period) television broadcasting - CZK 304.6 million; then revenues from digital platforms - a total of CZK 178.5 million; revenues from music reproduction in restaurants, shops, etc. amounted to CZK 166.7 million. In aggregate, this is an increase of 10.44%. Overhead was 12.06%.


Membership base

As of 31 December 2022, OSA administered the copyrights of a total of 11,005 rights holders under contract, including 7,864 living authors, 2,974 heirs and 167 publishers. During the year, it newly recruited 462 authors and 9 publishers for representation.

As of 31 December 2022, OSA had 605 members, including 375 composers of popular music, 62 composers of classical music, 93 songwriters, 46 heirs and 29 publishers. As regards the distribution of members among professional groups, the current numbers are: composers 475, lyricists 101, publishers 29.

This year 52 authors, 5 heirs and 4 publishers met the conditions for membership. As of 31 March 2023, 18 authors, 2 publishers and 5 heirs have applied.


Activities of the Supervisory Board

The elected Supervisory Board is committed to the OSA members to make every effort to achieve the best possible result in the work for those they represent in the coming years of their term of office. For this reason, these are the issues that the DR has been primarily concerned with throughout 2022. The DR's work has been based on a supportive collaboration between the various professional groups and a consistent effort to ensure fair royalties
and a continued sensitivity to social issues. Close cooperation with the OSA Board of Directors was a natural precondition for this.

For this year's OSA General Assembly, the Supervisory Board discussed and prepared the necessary documents for the General Assembly vote.

In addition to the proposals prepared for the vote at the General Assembly, the Supervisory Board naturally addressed other topics: the area of financial appreciation (through safe, interest-bearing term deposits), legal issues in connection with the amendment to the Copyright Act, social issues, issues related to IT developments (improvement of the INFOSA information system,  improvement of services for users - work on the e-shop and other functions in this area), issues related to the maintenance of OSA's real estate and other current issues related to copyright issues (annual report of the Board of Directors, auditor's report, annual accounts, profit and loss of OSA's agency activities, etc.).

Other important topics of the past year were:

Amendment of the Copyright Act - OSA did not base its position on anything less important than the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Despite the fact that the amendment was passed in Parliament in the autumn of 2022, we believe that the impact will not be too significant.

Social issues - as we know, the first third of 2022 was still very much marked by the infectious covida wave. At the same time (February 2022) the war in Ukraine, unleashed by Russia's aggression, entered our reality. Both of these realities greatly underlined the importance of the social agenda that OSA, and consequently the Supervisory Board, devoted itself to in 2022 (support from the Solidarity Fund, support for creation from the Cultural and Educational Fund, establishment of a collection on the platform for the benefit of Ukrainian authors + set up a collection on a transparent account, etc.).

Overall, it can be stated that the work of the OSA Supervisory Board was carried out throughout 2022 in good, collegial cooperation, accompanied by the energy of positive human relations, with the will to do the maximum for the successful resolution of the topics and tasks discussed. I would like to thank all members of the Supervisory Board as well as the OSA Board of Directors for their exemplary professional, professional and human commitment. This was, of course, one of the prerequisites for the successful resolution of ongoing issues and the achievement of exceptional economic results. Let us recall once again that 2022 was the most successful year ever in terms of authors' income. This is (especially in relation to the very complex realities of our times) a quite extraordinary result, which did not arise as a matter of course and expected, but as the result of a high level of effort by all those involved, led by the OSA Board of Directors.