From 26 June 2024 you will find us at the new address Bělehradská 222/128, 120 00 Praha 2! Click here for more information.


OSA Leading Bodies are:

  • General Assembly,
  • Supervisory Board,
  • Management Board.

General Assembly

The General Assembly approves the business results for the previous year and annual financial statements, approves fundamental documents of OSA and their amendments (the Statutes of OSA, the Distribution Rules, the Statutes of the Cultural, Social and Educational Fund of OSA etc.), decides on the disposal of the profit from its auxiliary economic activities, on the strategy concerning administrative cost deductions withheld from income from the exercise of rights or on the use of the income from the exercise of rights that could not be paid within a statutory period. Further, it votes and removes its representatives in the Supervisory Board, decides on issues related to members or appoints an auditor.

Powers of the General Assembly are specified by the OSA Statutes.


Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is the management and control body of OSA. It consists of 13 members — 6 composers, 3 lyricists and 4 publishers. The members of the Supervisory Board are elected at the General Assembly for the period of 3 years and every profession group votes its representatives into the Supervisory Board separately by a secret vote.

The powers of the Supervisory Board are specified by the OSA Statutes.

Supervisory Board Members:


  1. Kurz Ivan (Chairman)
  2. Hála Jan
  3. Kratochvíl Martin
  4. Matoušek Lukáš
  5. Prokop Michal
  6. Soukup Ondřej


  1. Prostějovský Michael (Vice-chairman)
  2. Bárta Daniel
  3. Roreček Tomáš


  1. Universal Music Publishing s.r.o. - Jolana Zemanová (Vice-chairman)
  2. Nedvěd Zdeněk 
  3. Provox Music Publishing s.r.o. - Jiří Paulů
  4. Schubert Music Publishing s.r.o. - Jiřina Petrová


Management Board

The Management Board is a statutory and executive body of OSA. It has three members and it consists of the chairman and two members. The Management Board is elected and removed by the Supervisory Board. It is responsible for its activities to the General Assembly and to the Supervisory Board.

The Management Board particularly manages the employees of OSA and check their activities, participates in the meetings of the Supervisory Board and General Assembly and implements their resolutions. Further, it submits a quarterly economic report of OSA to the Supervisory Board, an annual report including annual financial statements for the previous year and a financial plan for the next year, approves the tariffs of royalties, organizational changes and conclusion and termination of agreements with domestic and foreign collective management organizations and significant users.

The powers of the Management Board are specified by the OSA Statutes.

Members of Management Board:

Roman Strejček - Chairman
Luboš Tesař - Member
Jiřina Barello - Member

Organizational Structure OSA


Supervisory Board Committes

Committees are only preparatory, consulting and auxiliary bodies in relation to the Supervisory Board. Their members are appointed by the Supervisory Board and the term of office expires upon the expiry of the term of office of the Supervisory Board which appointed the members. Each committee member must be a member of OSA and at least one committee member must be a member of the Supervisory Board.


Prepares materials, documents and proposals for solutions for the decision-making by the Supervisory Board in the area of OSA management. In particular, it conducts business analyses, collections and costs analyses, looks for savings and deals with tax issues. It monitors tariff levels abroad, economic effects of tariff rates, discusses changes of royalty tariffs and the rate of royalties for new uses of the works. In the social area, the committee manages and distributes resources from the Solidarity Fund (defined in par. 3.2 of the Statutes of the Cultural, Social and Educational Fund of OSA) and decides on granting social contributions and support and on the amount and pay date thereof. All profession groups of the Supervisory Board must be represented in the Committee.

  • Bárta Daniel
  • Doležal Tomáš
  • Paulů Jiří
  • Táborský František
  • Zemanová Jolana 


Prepares in particular proposals for changes to the Distribution Rules, checks all distribution mechanisms, monitors Distribution Rules of author’s societies abroad (preferentially in EU countries), analyzes impacts of the Distribution Rules on the relations among the rights holders whose rights are managed by OSA, addresses the issue of administrative cost deductions together with the Economic Committee. All profession groups of the Supervisory Board must be represented in the Committee.

  • Kratochvíl Martin
  • Petrová Jiřina
  • Prostějovský Michael
  • Pudlák Miroslav


In particular categorizes the reported works to relevant categories in accordance with Annex 1 to the Distribution Rules in force, comments on disputes of authorship from the creative point of view, assesses the degree of works adaptation and arrangement, deals with authorship disputes of the rights holders whose rights are managed by OSA, identi-fies possible plagiarism.

  • Hála Jan
  • Hurník Lukáš
  • Košut Michal
  • Matoušek Lukáš
  • Popelka Vladimír
  • Viklický Emil


Tt pursues fulfillment of the OSA Partnership project On the basis of a written request of the implementer of a specific project, the Committee is entitled to decide to award OSA partnership in the project implementation. Furthermore, it looks for potential applicants/promoters from individual areas and informs them of the possibilities of partnership. The Committee enters into coordination negotiations with the OSA Management Board to reach mutual agreement on strategy and coverage of the spectrum of cultural events within the frame of fulfill-ment of the Partnership project. All profession groups of the Supervisory Board must be represented in the Committee.

  • Gemrot Jiří
  • Holas Karel
  • Kurz Ivan
  • Němec Martin
  • Roreček Tomáš
  • Rytířová Helena
  • Svoboda Milan


Prepares together with the magazine editors the contents of individual issues and it sees to the balance of published topics with regard to individual profession groups whose rights are managed by OSA.

  • Krůta Jan
  • Nedvěd Zdeněk
  • Prokop Michal
  • Roreček Tomáš


A non-permanent committee which focuses on preparation of OSA Annual Awards and other annual events.

  • Matoušek Lukáš
  • Prokop Michal
  • Prostějovský Michael
  • Zemanová Jolana