12. February 2025
OSA General Assembly 2025
Dear OSA Members, We would like to announce the date of the General Assembly of OSA, z.s. members: Date: Monday 26 May 2025Time: 12:30 pmPlace: Grandior Hotel Prague, Na Poříčí 1052/42, 110 00 Prague-Florenc The purpose of this year's meeting is to… -
4. December 2024
Music authors and other professions are entitled to a remuneration from imported smartphones
According to the Supreme Court's ruling in the OSA vs. Vodafone case, music authors and other artistic professions are entitled to remuneration from imported smartphones that can be used to store, share and copy music, films, images or books. The… -
19. July 2024
OSA – Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním, z.s. shortens its name to OSA, z.s.
OSA – Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním, z.s. (“Collective rights management society for musical works”) announces a change of its name. Effective July 17, 2024, the company will go by the shortened name OSA, z.s. The other…
5 reasons why OSA
We protect
Authors and
Publishers rights
Authors and
Publishers rights
More than 100 years
of experiences
of experiences
Legal using
of music from
all over the world
of music from
all over the world
Repertoire more
than 4,9 millions authors
than 4,9 millions authors
Music Creation
Music Creation